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How many types of divorce exist in Mexico?

Updated: Jan 31

couple getting divorce

According to Mexico’s Law, there are 3 types of divorce:
  1. Divorcio Voluntario: By mutual consent; both spouses agree to the divorce, establishing their own terms and, if there are any children involved, how the payment of alimony and visitation rights will be handled. Required documents: – Marriage Certificate – Birth Certificate (only of the children) – Current official ID of the spouses

  2. Divorcio Administrativo: Similar to the first one, but both parties have to meet the following requirements: - There are no children – Both are Mexican – Marriage lasted more than one year – Two witnesses – Non-pregnancy test – To make the division of assets (if there are any) at a notary.

  3. Divorcio Necesario: You can choose this type of divorce if there´s been a valid cause according to the law to end the marriage (infidelity, domestic violence, threats, etc.), and your spouse doesn´t want or cannot come to sign the divorce papers. Whichever type of divorce you choose, it´s important to point out that you´ll be making decisions that will determine your future situation regarding your assets, custody and alimony. That´s why you will require professional advice by a lawyer with expertise in family affairs.


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